Xing Yun has crippled leg :( so we prefer her to stay in the house
Today I am going to talk about Xing Yun, she is my best friend (as I ever mentioned before) and until now she is still the only one who likes to hang around with me. What I am going to tell you today is that now Xing Yun has changed from just staying in the room to always playing outside :{ She is now brave to play across the road! This started to happen when our big sister, Itni passed away. Before, Xing Yun was so scared of Itni, since umie took her home she never wanted to go out from Kak Adik's room. She stays in the room for the whole day. She eats, plays, wees and poos in there and it lasted for six months from August last year without going out from the room.
However since Itni passed away, Xing Yun spends most of her time outside. Umie is so worried about her because she is not like us. Xing Yun is crippled and because of that, she cannot walk and run properly (Umie took her home because of that). So when she plays outside especially across the road, umie will get sweat out hihihihih :D For me, actually I like that Xing Yun is now not only staying in Kak Adik's room because before I have to stay in the room to accompany her. Now I can play freely outside with her and it is so fun!
* If itni is still alive... I guess Xing Yun would still be staying in the room :S... Why must Xing Yun change? Actually we like her like as before...
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sedikit kesaksian untuk berbagi, barangkali ada teman-teman yang sedang
kesulitan masalah keuangan, Awal mula saya mengamalkan Pesugihan Tanpa
Tumbal karena usaha saya bangkrut dan saya menanggung hutang sebesar
1M saya sters hampir bunuh diri tidak tau harus bagaimana agar bisa
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dengan KYAI SOLEH PATI, awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya tapi selama 3 hari
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penarikan uang gaib 4Milyar dengan tumbal hewan, Semua petunjuk saya ikuti
dan hanya 1 hari Astagfirullahallazim, Alhamdulilah akhirnya 4M yang saya
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buat modal usaha. sekarang rumah sudah punya dan mobil pun sudah ada.
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